pl-nk v0.4.5
Plonk|Plink|Plank are a set of cross-platform C/C++ frameworks for audio software development
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AllpassDecayUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >An allpass delay setting the decay as a time to decay by 60dB
AllpassFFFBUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >An allpass delay setting the feedforward and feeback coefficient directly
ArrayAllocator< Type >Default array de/allocation
ArrayAllocator< Type * >Pointer array de/allocation
ArrayAllocatorBuiltIn< Type >Built-in numerical types array de/allocation
AtomicExtended< Type >Enables atomic operations on a pointer with additional security
AtomicOpsType-independent atomic operations
AtomicValue< Type >Enables atomic operations on a range of types
AtomicVariableChannelInternal< SampleType >Atomic variable channel
AtomicVariableUnit< SampleType >Atomic variable unit
AudioFileSome audio file common constants
AudioFileReaderAudio file reader
AudioFileWriter< SampleType >Audio file writing class
AudioHostBase< SampleType >An abstract class to interface with audio devices
Base64Base64 encoding and decoding
BinaryFileA utility class for reading and writing binary files
BinaryOpChannelInternal< SampleType, op >For applying binary operators
BitsSome useful bitwise functions
BlockChannelInternal< SampleType >Block channel
BlockSizeA specialised Variable<int> for handling block sizes
BlockUnit< SampleType >Copies data from a buffer to an output block
BPFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >Bandpass filter
BRFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >Bandreject (band-elimination) filter
BusBuffer< SampleType >Enables the storage of globally accessible buffers to be used as signal busses
BusReadChannelInternal< SampleType >Bus read channel
BusReadUnit< SampleType >Reads data from a Bus
BusWriteChannelInternal< SampleType >Bus write channel
BusWriteUnit< SampleType >Write data to a Bus
ChannelBase< SampleType >A single output signal
ChannelData< OwnerType >Base class for channel state data
ChannelInternal< SampleType, DataType >The base class from which most ChannelInternals should be derived
ChannelInternalBase< SampleType >The templated base class for all internal channel processes
ChannelInternalCoreThe base, core class for all internal channel processes
ChannelMixerChannelInternal< SampleType >Mix all channels in a single unit to a single channel
CombDecayUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >A comb filter setting the decay as a time to decay by 60dB
CombFBUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >A comb filter setting the feedback amount directly
CombFilter1ParamUnit< FilterShape, InterpTypeCode >A comb filter with a filter in the feedback loop (where the filter takes one parameter)
ConstantChannelInternal< SampleType >For generating constants
DCUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >DC removal filter
DecayUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >Exponential decay filter
Delay1ParamChannelInternal< FormType >Delay processor
Delay2ParamChannelInternal< FormType >Delay processor with two control parameters
Delay3ParamChannelInternal< FormType >Delay processor with two control parameters
Delay4ParamChannelInternal< FormType >Delay processor with two control parameters
DelayUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >Simple delay processor
Dictionary< ValueType, KeyType >A dictionary class for storing key/value pairs
EndianA utility class to swap the endianness (byte-order) of one or more data elements
EndianIfBigA utility class to swap the endianness (byte-order) of one or more data elements
EndianIfLittleA utility class to swap the endianness (byte-order) of one or more data elements
EnvelopeChannelInternal< SampleType >Envelope channel performs a series of breakpoints
EnvelopeUnit< SampleType >Envelope unit performs a series of breakpoints
FFTChannelInternal< SampleType >FFT channel
FFTEngineBase< float >A platform independent FFT processing engine
FFTUnit< SampleType >FFT Unit
FilePathFile path construction, manipulation and operations
FilePlayChannelInternal< SampleType >File player generator
FilePlayUnit< SampleType >Audio file player generator
FilterChannelInternal< FormType >A generic FIR/IIR filter
FilterCoeffs1ParamChannelInternal< ShapeType >Filter coefficient generator from one control parameter
FilterCoeffs1ParamUnit< ShapeType >Filter coefficients generator for an IIR filter using one control parameter
FilterCoeffs2ParamChannelInternal< ShapeType >Filter coefficient generator from two control parameters
FilterCoeffs2ParamUnit< ShapeType >Filter coefficients generator for an IIR filter using two control parameters
FilterCoeffs3ParamChannelInternal< ShapeType >Filter coefficient generator from two control parameters
FilterCoeffs3ParamUnit< ShapeType >Filter coefficients generator for an IIR filter using three control parameters
FilterForm< SampleType, FilterFormType::B2 >Butterworth 2nd order form
FilterForm< SampleType, FilterFormType::P1 >One-pole form
FilterForm< SampleType, FilterFormType::P1a >One-pole form, special simplified case for low pass
FilterForm< SampleType, FilterFormType::P1b >One-pole form, special simplified case for DC removal
FilterForm< SampleType, FilterFormType::P2Z2 >Two-pole, two-zero form
FilterShapeBPFBase< SampleType >Two-pole, two-zero, band-pass filter shape
FilterShapeBRFBase< SampleType >Two-pole, two-zero, band-reject filter shape
FilterShapeDecayBase< SampleType >One-pole decay shape
FilterShapeHighShelfBase< SampleType >Two-pole, two-zero, high-shelving filter shape
FilterShapeHPFBase< SampleType >Butterworth 2nd order high-pass filter shape
FilterShapeHPFP1Base< SampleType >One-pole high-pass filter shape
FilterShapeLagBase< SampleType >One-pole lag shape
FilterShapeLowShelfBase< SampleType >Two-pole, two-zero, low-shelving filter shape
FilterShapeLPFBase< SampleType >Butterworth 2nd order low-pass filter shape
FilterShapeLPFP1Base< SampleType >One-pole low-pass filter shape
FilterShapeNotchBase< SampleType >Two-pole, two-zero, notch EQ filter shape
FilterShapeRHPFBase< SampleType >Two-pole, two-zero, resonant high-pass filter shape
FilterShapeRLPFBase< SampleType >Two-pole, two-zero, resonant low-pass filter shape
FilterUnit< FormType >A generic FIR/IIR filter
Fix< Base, IBits, FBits >A generic fixed point numerical class
PLONK_NAMESPACE::ForceErrorStructTo help raise compiler errors when function prototypes change
HarmonicSawUnit< SampleType >Harmonic sawtooth wave oscillator
HarmonicSquareUnit< SampleType >Harmonic square wave oscillator
HarmonicTriUnit< SampleType >Harmonic triangle wave oscillator
HighShelfUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >High-shelving (treble) filter
HPFP1Unit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >One-pole high-pass filter
HPFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >Butterworth 2nd-order high-pass filter
IFFTChannelInternal< SampleType >IFFT channel
IFFTUnit< SampleType >IFFT Unit
ImpulseChannelInternal< SampleType >Impulse generator
ImpulseUnit< SampleType >An impulse generator
InputDictionaryFor storing named Dynamic objects
InputTaskChannelInternal< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >Defer a unit's processing to a separate task, thread, process or core
InputTaskUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >Defer a unit's processing to a separate task, thread, process or core
Int24An emulated 24-bit integer type
PLONK_NAMESPACE::IOSAudioHostBase< SampleType >An audio host for the iOS platform
PLONK_NAMESPACE::IOSUtilitiesSome utilties for the iOS platform
LagUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >Exponential lag filter
LinearPanChannelInternal< SampleType >For linear panning across 2 channels
LinearPanUnit< SampleType >A linear panning unit
LockedValue< Type >A class that stores a value that is stored and retieved using a lock
LookupChannelInternal< SampleType >Wavetable lookup generator
LookupUnit< SampleType >Wavetable lookup generator
LowShelfUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >Low-shelving (bass) filter
LPFP1Unit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >One-pole low-pass filter
LPFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >Butterworth 2nd-order low-pass filter
Math< Type >Some useful maths constants
MixerUnit< SampleType >Mixer
MulAddChannelInternal< SampleType >For applying mul and add in one go
NotchUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >Notch filter (i.e, parametric mid-EQ)
NullChannelInternal< SampleType >For generating 0 (null) specifically
NumericalArray< NumericalType >Stores arrays of simple numerical values
NumericalArraySpecFor specificying the initial state of a NumericalArray
NumericalConverterFor rounding values from float/double to int types
ObjectArray< ObjectType >This is the base class for arrays
ObjectMemoryBaseManage a custom memory allocation system
OverlapMakeChannelInternal< SampleType >Output overlapped block
OverlapMakeUnit< SampleType >Create and overlapped processing stream
OverlapMixChannelInternal< SampleType >Output overlapped block
OverlapMixUnit< SampleType >Mix down an overlapped processing stream to a continuous one
ParamChannelInternal< SampleType >Variable channel
ParamUnit< SampleType >Param unit
PatchChannelInternal< SampleType >Patch channel
PatchUnit< SampleType >Patch channel
PlankF80Storage for an 80-bit extended floating-point value in big endian format
PlankI24Storage for a 24-bit integer
PlankPascalString255Storage for a 255 character Pascal string
PlankUI24Storage for a 24-bit unsigned integer
PLAudioHostAn Objective-C audio host for the iOS platform
<PLAudioHostDelegate>A protocol for a PLAudioHost delegate
PlinkBufferFStores a buffer of floats
ProcessInfoHolds information about the Unit graph
ProxyOwnerChannelInternal< SampleType, DataType >Where true multiple-input-multiple-output units are needed This is where all outputs depend on all inputs in a matrix configuration a proxy system is used
QueueChannelInternal< SampleType >Play a queue of units
QueueMixerChannelInternal< SampleType >Mix a queue of units to a multichannel unit
QueueUnit< SampleType >Queue unit
ReblockChannelInternal< SampleType >Reblock
ReblockUnit< SampleType >Re-buffer to a different block size
ResampleChannelInternal< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >Resampler
ResampleUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >Resampler
RHPFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >Resonant high-pass filter
RLPFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >Resonant low-pass filter
RNGRandom number generator
SampleRateA specialised Variable<double> for handling sample rates
SawChannelInternal< SampleType >Sawtooth wave generator
SawUnit< SampleType >A non-bandlimted sawtooth oscillator
SchmidtChannelInternal< SampleType >Schmidt
SchmidtUnit< SampleType >Schmidt trigger
SignalPlayChannelInternal< SampleType >Signal player generator
SignalPlayUnit< SampleType >Signal player generator
SignalReadChannelInternal< SampleType >Signal reader generator
SignalReadUnit< SampleType >Signal reader generator
FilePlayUnit< SampleType >::SimpleA simple file player to handle buffering and sample rate conversion
SineUnit< SampleType >Sine oscillator
SmartPointerReference counted pointer base class
SmartPointerContainerBase< SmartPointerType >This manages a SmartPointer pointer
TableChannelInternal< SampleType >Wavetable oscillator
TableUnit< SampleType >Wavetable oscillator
TextA class for storing and manipulating text strings
TextFileA utility class for reading and writing text files
ThreadingCrossplatform threading support
TimeStampMeasures time
TriggerChannelInternal< SampleType >Trigger
TriggerUnit< SampleType >Trigger detects signal transitions from zero or less to greater than zero
TypeChannelInternal< OutputSampleType, InputSampleType >For converting sample types
TypeCodeUsed to determine information about some types
TypeUnitBase< OutputSampleType, InputSampleType >Convert from one sample type to another
TypeUtility< Type >A utility for finding out information about certain other classes and types
UnaryOpChannelInternal< SampleType, op >For applying unary operators
UnitBase< SampleType >A Unit is effectively an array of Channel objects
UnitMixerChannelInternal< SampleType >Mix an array of units to a multichannel unit
Variable< Type >A template class for storing any variable type
Variable< Type & >A variable container for objects
WeakPointerHolds a weak reference to a SmartPointer
WeakPointerContainer< OriginalType >This stores a weak reference using a WeakPointer
WhiteNoiseChannelInternal< SampleType >White noise generator
WhiteNoiseUnit< SampleType >A white noise generator
ZMulChannelInternal< SampleType >Complex multiplication channel
ZMulUnit< SampleType >Complex multiplication Unit
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