pl-nk v0.4.5
Plonk|Plink|Plank are a set of cross-platform C/C++ frameworks for audio software development
Static Public Member Functions
HPFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode > Class Template Reference

Butterworth 2nd-order high-pass filter. More...

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static UnitType ar (UnitType const &input, UnitType const &frequency=SampleType(1200), UnitType const &mul=SampleType(1), UnitType const &add=SampleType(0), BlockSize const &preferredBlockSize=BlockSize::noPreference(), SampleRate const &preferredSampleRate=SampleRate::noPreference()) throw ()
 Create a simple Butterworth 2nd-order high-pass filter.
static UnitType kr (UnitType const &input, UnitType const &frequency=SampleType(1200), UnitType const &mul=SampleType(1), UnitType const &add=SampleType(0)) throw ()
 Create a simple control rate Butterworth 2nd-order high-pass filter.

Detailed Description

template<class SampleType, Interp::TypeCode InterpTypeCode = Interp::Linear>
class HPFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >

Butterworth 2nd-order high-pass filter.

This has good linearity in the passband.

Factory functions:
  • ar (input, frequency=1200, mul=1, add=0, preferredBlockSize=default, preferredSampleRate=default)
  • kr (input frequency=1200, mul=1, add=0)
  • input: (unit, multi) the unit to filter
  • frequency: (unit, multi) the -3dB point cut-off frequency in Hz
  • mul: (unit, multi) the multiplier applied to the output
  • add: (unit, multi) the offset aded to the output
  • preferredBlockSize: the preferred output block size (for advanced usage, leave on default if unsure)
  • preferredSampleRate: the preferred output sample rate (for advanced usage, leave on default if unsure)

Member Function Documentation

template<class SampleType , Interp::TypeCode InterpTypeCode = Interp::Linear>
static UnitType HPFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >::ar ( UnitType const &  input,
UnitType const &  frequency = SampleType (1200),
UnitType const &  mul = SampleType (1),
UnitType const &  add = SampleType (0),
BlockSize const &  preferredBlockSize = BlockSize::noPreference(),
SampleRate const &  preferredSampleRate = SampleRate::noPreference() 
) throw () [inline, static]

Create a simple Butterworth 2nd-order high-pass filter.

inputThe input signal to filter.
frequencyThe -3dB point cut-off frequency.
mulAn optional multiplier.
addAn optional offset.
preferredBlockSize(Optional) The preferred block size for the process.
preferredSampleRate(Optional) The preferred sample rate for the process.
template<class SampleType , Interp::TypeCode InterpTypeCode = Interp::Linear>
static UnitType HPFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >::kr ( UnitType const &  input,
UnitType const &  frequency = SampleType (1200),
UnitType const &  mul = SampleType (1),
UnitType const &  add = SampleType (0) 
) throw () [inline, static]

Create a simple control rate Butterworth 2nd-order high-pass filter.

inputThe input signal to filter.
frequencyThe -3dB point cut-off frequency.
mulAn optional multiplier.
addAn optional offset.

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