pl-nk v0.4.5
Plonk|Plink|Plank are a set of cross-platform C/C++ frameworks for audio software development
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions
Variable< Type > Class Template Reference

A template class for storing any variable type. More...

Inherits SenderContainer< SenderInternalType >.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Variable () throw ()
 Default constructor.
 Variable (Internal *internal) throw ()
 Initialised with a specific internal.
 Variable (Variable const &copy) throw ()
 Copy constructor.
Variableoperator= (Variable const &other) throw ()
 Assignment operator.
 Variable (Type const &initValue) throw ()
 Initialised with a specific value.
 Variable (PatternType const &pat) throw ()
 Initialised with a pattern/sequence.
template<class OtherType >
 Variable (NumericalArray< Variable< OtherType > > const &pat) throw ()
 Initialised with a pattern/sequence.
template<class OtherType >
 Variable (OtherType const &other) throw ()
 Create a Variable that converts from one type to another.
template<class ValueType >
Variableoperator= (ValueType const &newValue) throw ()
 A convenience for setValue().
const Type getValue () const throw ()
 Returns the current value.
Type * getValuePtr () throw ()
 Returns the current value.
 operator Type () const throw ()
 Returns the current value.
const Type nextValue () throw ()
 Returns the next value.
void setValue (Type const &newValue) throw ()
 Sets the current value.
template<Type(*)(Typeconst &, Typeconst &) op>
Variable binary (Variable const &rightOperand) const throw ()
 Builds a binary operation from two source Variables.
template<Type(*)(Typeconst &) op>
Variable unary () const throw ()
 Builds a unary operation from a source Variable.
Variable addop (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'addop' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable subop (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'subop' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable mulop (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'mulop' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable divop (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'divop' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable modop (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'modop' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable isEqualTo (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'isEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable isNotEqualTo (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'isNotEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable isGreaterThan (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'isGreaterThan' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable isGreaterThanOrEqualTo (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'isGreaterThanOrEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable isLessThan (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'isLessThan' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable isLessThanOrEqualTo (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'isLessThanOrEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable hypot (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'hypot' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable pow (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'pow' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable atan2 (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'atan2' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable min (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'min' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable max (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'max' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable sumsqr (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'sumsqr' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable difsqr (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'difsqr' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable sqrsum (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'sqrsum' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable sqrdif (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'sqrdif' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable absdif (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'absdif' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable thresh (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'thresh' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable round (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'round' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable trunc (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'trunc' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable clip2 (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'clip2' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable decayFeedback (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'decayFeedback' function to this one and the right argument.
Variable operator+ (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '+' operator to this and the right argument.
Variable operator- (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '-' operator to this and the right argument.
Variable operator* (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '*' operator to this and the right argument.
Variable operator/ (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '/' operator to this and the right argument.
Variable operator% (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '%' operator to this and the right argument.
Variable operator< (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '<' operator to this and the right argument.
Variable operator<= (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '<=' operator to this and the right argument.
Variable operator> (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '>' operator to this and the right argument.
Variable operator>= (Variable const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '>=' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
Variable operator+ (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '+' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
Variable operator- (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '-' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
Variable operator* (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '*' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
Variable operator/ (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '/' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
Variable operator% (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '%' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
Variableoperator+= (RightType const &right) throw ()
 Create a new Variable and assign it to this one by applying the binary '+' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
Variableoperator-= (RightType const &right) throw ()
 Create a new Variable and assign it to this one by applying the binary '-' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
Variableoperator*= (RightType const &right) throw ()
 Create a new Variable and assign it to this one by applying the binary '*' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
Variableoperator/= (RightType const &right) throw ()
 Create a new Variable and assign it to this one by applying the binary '/' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
Variableoperator%= (RightType const &right) throw ()
 Create a new Variable and assign it to this one by applying the binary '%' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
Variable operator< (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '<' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
Variable operator<= (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '<=' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
Variable operator> (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '>' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
Variable operator>= (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the binary '>=' operator to this and the right argument.
Variable move () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'move' function to this one.
Variable inc () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'inc' function to this one.
Variable dec () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'dec' function to this one.
Variable abs () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'abs' function to this one.
Variable log2 () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'log2' function to this one.
Variable neg () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'neg' function to this one.
Variable reciprocal () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'reciprocal' function to this one.
Variable sin () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'sin' function to this one.
Variable cos () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'cos' function to this one.
Variable tan () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'tan' function to this one.
Variable asin () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'asin' function to this one.
Variable acos () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'acos' function to this one.
Variable atan () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'atan' function to this one.
Variable sinh () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'sinh' function to this one.
Variable cosh () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'cosh' function to this one.
Variable tanh () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'tanh' function to this one.
Variable sqrt () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'sqrt' function to this one.
Variable log () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'log' function to this one.
Variable log10 () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'log10' function to this one.
Variable exp () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'exp' function to this one.
Variable squared () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'squared' function to this one.
Variable cubed () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'cubed' function to this one.
Variable ceil () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'ceil' function to this one.
Variable floor () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'floor' function to this one.
Variable frac () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'frac' function to this one.
Variable sign () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'sign' function to this one.
Variable m2f () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'm2f' function to this one.
Variable f2m () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'f2m' function to this one.
Variable a2dB () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'a2dB' function to this one.
Variable dB2a () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'dB2a' function to this one.
Variable d2r () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'd2r' function to this one.
Variable r2d () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'r2d' function to this one.
Variable distort () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'distort' function to this one.
Variable zap () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'zap' function to this one.
Variable operator- () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary '-' operator to this one.
Variable operator++ () const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary '++' operator to this one.
Variable operator++ (int) const throw ()
 Create a new Variable by applying the unary '++' operator to this one.
Variable shape (StepsVariable const &numSteps) const throw ()
 Create a shape variable that can transition in different ways to new values.
Variable shape (StepsVariable const &numSteps, ShapeTypeVariable const &shapeType) const throw ()
 Create a shape variable that can transition in different ways to new values.
Variable shape (StepsVariable const &numSteps, ShapeTypeVariable const &shapeType, CurveVariable const &curve) const throw ()
 Create a shape variable that can transition in different ways to new values.

Static Public Member Functions

static Variable fromWeak (Weak const &weak) throw ()
 Get a weakly linked copy of this object.

Detailed Description

template<class Type>
class Variable< Type >

A template class for storing any variable type.

The main reason for this class is that it is the simplest kind of Sender. Thus you can inhereit from Variable<Type>::Receiver and register this with a Variable<Type> object for updates when it changes. Variables can be constructed into graphs using binary and unary operators and type conversions from one variable types to another. Within a Variable graph each node registers itself as Receiver from its dependent variables such that it can be notified if these change. This changes is trasnmitted all the way through the graph to the root.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class Type>
Variable< Type >::Variable ( ) throw () [inline]

Default constructor.

template<class Type>
Variable< Type >::Variable ( Internal *  internal) throw () [inline, explicit]

Initialised with a specific internal.

template<class Type>
Variable< Type >::Variable ( Variable< Type > const &  copy) throw () [inline]

Copy constructor.

Note that a deep copy is not made, the copy will refer to exactly the same data.

template<class Type>
Variable< Type >::Variable ( Type const &  initValue) throw () [inline]

Initialised with a specific value.

template<class Type>
Variable< Type >::Variable ( PatternType const &  pat) throw () [inline]

Initialised with a pattern/sequence.

template<class Type>
template<class OtherType >
Variable< Type >::Variable ( NumericalArray< Variable< OtherType > > const &  pat) throw () [inline]

Initialised with a pattern/sequence.

template<class Type>
template<class OtherType >
Variable< Type >::Variable ( OtherType const &  other) throw () [inline]

Create a Variable that converts from one type to another.

Member Function Documentation

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::a2dB ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'a2dB' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::abs ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'abs' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::absdif ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'absdif' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::acos ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'acos' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::addop ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'addop' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::asin ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'asin' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::atan ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'atan' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::atan2 ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'atan2' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
template<Type(*)(Typeconst &, Typeconst &) op>
Variable Variable< Type >::binary ( Variable< Type > const &  rightOperand) const throw () [inline]

Builds a binary operation from two source Variables.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::ceil ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'ceil' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::clip2 ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'clip2' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::cos ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'cos' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::cosh ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'cosh' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::cubed ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'cubed' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::d2r ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'd2r' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::dB2a ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'dB2a' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::dec ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'dec' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::decayFeedback ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'decayFeedback' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::difsqr ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'difsqr' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::distort ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'distort' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::divop ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'divop' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::exp ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'exp' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::f2m ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'f2m' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::floor ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'floor' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::frac ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'frac' function to this one.

template<class Type>
static Variable Variable< Type >::fromWeak ( Weak const &  weak) throw () [inline, static]

Get a weakly linked copy of this object.

This will return a blank/empty/null object of this type if the original has already been deleted.

template<class Type>
const Type Variable< Type >::getValue ( ) const throw () [inline]

Returns the current value.

template<class Type>
Type* Variable< Type >::getValuePtr ( ) throw () [inline]

Returns the current value.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::hypot ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'hypot' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::inc ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'inc' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::isEqualTo ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'isEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::isGreaterThan ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'isGreaterThan' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::isGreaterThanOrEqualTo ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'isGreaterThanOrEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::isLessThan ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'isLessThan' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::isLessThanOrEqualTo ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'isLessThanOrEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::isNotEqualTo ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'isNotEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::log ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'log' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::log10 ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'log10' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::log2 ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'log2' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::m2f ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'm2f' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::max ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'max' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::min ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'min' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::modop ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'modop' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::move ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'move' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::mulop ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'mulop' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::neg ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'neg' function to this one.

template<class Type>
const Type Variable< Type >::nextValue ( ) throw () [inline]

Returns the next value.

By default this returns the current value. More complex Variable subclasses might generate sequences or random numbers (for example).

template<class Type>
Variable< Type >::operator Type ( ) const throw () [inline]

Returns the current value.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::operator% ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '%' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
template<class RightType >
Variable Variable< Type >::operator% ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '%' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
template<class RightType >
Variable& Variable< Type >::operator%= ( RightType const &  right) throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable and assign it to this one by applying the binary '%' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::operator* ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '*' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
template<class RightType >
Variable Variable< Type >::operator* ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '*' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
template<class RightType >
Variable& Variable< Type >::operator*= ( RightType const &  right) throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable and assign it to this one by applying the binary '*' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::operator+ ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '+' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
template<class RightType >
Variable Variable< Type >::operator+ ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '+' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::operator++ ( int  ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary '++' operator to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::operator++ ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary '++' operator to this one.

template<class Type>
template<class RightType >
Variable& Variable< Type >::operator+= ( RightType const &  right) throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable and assign it to this one by applying the binary '+' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::operator- ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '-' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::operator- ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary '-' operator to this one.

template<class Type>
template<class RightType >
Variable Variable< Type >::operator- ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '-' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
template<class RightType >
Variable& Variable< Type >::operator-= ( RightType const &  right) throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable and assign it to this one by applying the binary '-' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
template<class RightType >
Variable Variable< Type >::operator/ ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '/' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::operator/ ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '/' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
template<class RightType >
Variable& Variable< Type >::operator/= ( RightType const &  right) throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable and assign it to this one by applying the binary '/' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::operator< ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '<' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
template<class RightType >
Variable Variable< Type >::operator< ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '<' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::operator<= ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '<=' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
template<class RightType >
Variable Variable< Type >::operator<= ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '<=' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
template<class ValueType >
Variable& Variable< Type >::operator= ( ValueType const &  newValue) throw () [inline]

A convenience for setValue().

template<class Type>
Variable& Variable< Type >::operator= ( Variable< Type > const &  other) throw () [inline]

Assignment operator.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::operator> ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '>' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
template<class RightType >
Variable Variable< Type >::operator> ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '>' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
template<class RightType >
Variable Variable< Type >::operator>= ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '>=' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::operator>= ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary '>=' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::pow ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'pow' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::r2d ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'r2d' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::reciprocal ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'reciprocal' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::round ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'round' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
void Variable< Type >::setValue ( Type const &  newValue) throw () [inline]

Sets the current value.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::shape ( StepsVariable< Type > const &  numSteps) const throw () [inline]

Create a shape variable that can transition in different ways to new values.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::shape ( StepsVariable< Type > const &  numSteps,
ShapeTypeVariable< Type > const &  shapeType,
CurveVariable< Type > const &  curve 
) const throw () [inline]

Create a shape variable that can transition in different ways to new values.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::shape ( StepsVariable< Type > const &  numSteps,
ShapeTypeVariable< Type > const &  shapeType 
) const throw () [inline]

Create a shape variable that can transition in different ways to new values.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::sign ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'sign' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::sin ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'sin' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::sinh ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'sinh' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::sqrdif ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'sqrdif' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::sqrsum ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'sqrsum' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::sqrt ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'sqrt' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::squared ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'squared' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::subop ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'subop' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::sumsqr ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'sumsqr' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::tan ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'tan' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::tanh ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'tanh' function to this one.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::thresh ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'thresh' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::trunc ( Variable< Type > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the binary 'trunc' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class Type>
template<Type(*)(Typeconst &) op>
Variable Variable< Type >::unary ( ) const throw () [inline]

Builds a unary operation from a source Variable.

template<class Type>
Variable Variable< Type >::zap ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new Variable by applying the unary 'zap' function to this one.

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