pl-nk v0.4.5
Plonk|Plink|Plank are a set of cross-platform C/C++ frameworks for audio software development
Static Public Member Functions
BRFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode > Class Template Reference

Bandreject (band-elimination) filter. More...

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static UnitType ar (UnitType const &input, UnitType const &frequency=SampleType(1200), UnitType const &bandwidth=SampleType(1), UnitType const &mul=SampleType(1), UnitType const &add=SampleType(0), BlockSize const &preferredBlockSize=BlockSize::noPreference(), SampleRate const &preferredSampleRate=SampleRate::noPreference()) throw ()
 Create a bandreject filter.
static UnitType kr (UnitType const &input, UnitType const &frequency=SampleType(1200), UnitType const &bandwidth=SampleType(1), UnitType const &mul=SampleType(1), UnitType const &add=SampleType(0)) throw ()
 Create a control rate bandreject filter.

Detailed Description

template<class SampleType, Interp::TypeCode InterpTypeCode = Interp::Linear>
class BRFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >

Bandreject (band-elimination) filter.

Factory functions:
  • ar (input, frequency=1200, bandwidth=1, mul=1, add=0, preferredBlockSize=default, preferredSampleRate=default)
  • kr (input frequency=1200, bandwidth=1, mul=1, add=0)
  • input: (unit, multi) the unit to filter
  • frequency: (unit, multi) the -3dB point cut-off frequency in Hz
  • bandwidth: (unit, multi) The bandwidth of the stopband in octaves
  • mul: (unit, multi) the multiplier applied to the output
  • add: (unit, multi) the offset aded to the output
  • preferredBlockSize: the preferred output block size (for advanced usage, leave on default if unsure)
  • preferredSampleRate: the preferred output sample rate (for advanced usage, leave on default if unsure)

Member Function Documentation

template<class SampleType , Interp::TypeCode InterpTypeCode = Interp::Linear>
static UnitType BRFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >::ar ( UnitType const &  input,
UnitType const &  frequency = SampleType (1200),
UnitType const &  bandwidth = SampleType (1),
UnitType const &  mul = SampleType (1),
UnitType const &  add = SampleType (0),
BlockSize const &  preferredBlockSize = BlockSize::noPreference(),
SampleRate const &  preferredSampleRate = SampleRate::noPreference() 
) throw () [inline, static]

Create a bandreject filter.

inputThe input signal to filter.
frequencyThe centre frequency.
bandwidthThe bandwidth of the stopband in octaves.
mulAn optional multiplier.
addAn optional offset.
preferredBlockSize(Optional) The preferred block size for the process.
preferredSampleRate(Optional) The preferred sample rate for the process.
template<class SampleType , Interp::TypeCode InterpTypeCode = Interp::Linear>
static UnitType BRFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >::kr ( UnitType const &  input,
UnitType const &  frequency = SampleType (1200),
UnitType const &  bandwidth = SampleType (1),
UnitType const &  mul = SampleType (1),
UnitType const &  add = SampleType (0) 
) throw () [inline, static]

Create a control rate bandreject filter.

inputThe input signal to filter.
frequencyThe centre frequency.
bandwidthThe bandwidth of the stopband in octaves.
mulAn optional multiplier.
addAn optional offset.

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