pl-nk v0.4.5
Plonk|Plink|Plank are a set of cross-platform C/C++ frameworks for audio software development
Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions
NumericalArray< NumericalType > Class Template Reference

Stores arrays of simple numerical values. More...

Inherits ObjectArray< NumericalType >.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 PLONKSMARTPOINTERCONTAINER_DEEPCOPY (NumericalArray, Internal) static NumericalArray fromWeak(Weak const &weak) throw ()
 Get a weakly linked copy of this object.
NumericalArrayoperator= (NumericalArray const &other) throw ()
 Assignment operator.
template<class CopyType >
 NumericalArray (NumericalArray< CopyType > const &copy) throw ()
 Construct a NumericalArray by copying a NumericalArray of a different type.
template<class CopyType >
 NumericalArray (ObjectArray< CopyType > const &copy) throw ()
 Construct a NumericalArray by copying a ObjectArray of a different type.
 NumericalArray (NumericalArray const &array0, NumericalArray const &array1) throw ()
 Concatenate two arrays into one.
 ObjectArrayConcatOperatorsDefine (NumericalArray, NumericalType) NumericalArray(NumericalArraySpec const &spec) throw ()
 Constructa a NumericalArray using a NumericalArraySpec.
 NumericalArray (NumericalArraySpec const &spec, const bool needsNullTermination) throw ()
 Constructa a NumericalArray using a NumericalArraySpec with optional null termination.
 NumericalArray (const NumericalType *nullTerminatedSourceArray) throw ()
 Construct a NumericalArray from a null terminated source array.
template<class OtherType >
 NumericalArray (OtherType const &value) throw ()
 Construct an array with a single value.
NumericalArray addop (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'addop' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray subop (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'subop' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray mulop (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'mulop' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray divop (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'divop' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray modop (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'modop' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray isEqualTo (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'isEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray isNotEqualTo (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'isNotEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray isGreaterThan (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'isGreaterThan' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray isGreaterThanOrEqualTo (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'isGreaterThanOrEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray isLessThan (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'isLessThan' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray isLessThanOrEqualTo (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'isLessThanOrEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray hypot (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'hypot' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray pow (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'pow' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray atan2 (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'atan2' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray min (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'min' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray max (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'max' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray sumsqr (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'sumsqr' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray difsqr (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'difsqr' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray sqrsum (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'sqrsum' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray sqrdif (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'sqrdif' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray absdif (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'absdif' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray thresh (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'thresh' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray round (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'round' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray trunc (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'trunc' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray clip2 (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'clip2' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray decayFeedback (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'decayFeedback' function to this one and the right argument.
NumericalArray operator+ (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '+' operator to this and the right argument.
NumericalArray operator- (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '-' operator to this and the right argument.
NumericalArray operator* (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '*' operator to this and the right argument.
NumericalArray operator/ (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '/' operator to this and the right argument.
NumericalArray operator% (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '%' operator to this and the right argument.
NumericalArray operator< (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '<' operator to this and the right argument.
NumericalArray operator<= (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '<=' operator to this and the right argument.
NumericalArray operator> (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '>' operator to this and the right argument.
NumericalArray operator>= (NumericalArray const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '>=' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray operator+ (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '+' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray operator- (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '-' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray operator* (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '*' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray operator/ (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '/' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray operator% (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '%' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
NumericalArrayoperator+= (RightType const &right) throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray and assign it to this one by applying the binary '+' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
NumericalArrayoperator-= (RightType const &right) throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray and assign it to this one by applying the binary '-' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
NumericalArrayoperator*= (RightType const &right) throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray and assign it to this one by applying the binary '*' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
NumericalArrayoperator/= (RightType const &right) throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray and assign it to this one by applying the binary '/' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
NumericalArrayoperator%= (RightType const &right) throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray and assign it to this one by applying the binary '%' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray operator< (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '<' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray operator<= (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '<=' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray operator> (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '>' operator to this and the right argument.
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray operator>= (RightType const &right) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '>=' operator to this and the right argument.
NumericalArray move () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'move' function to this one.
NumericalArray inc () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'inc' function to this one.
NumericalArray dec () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'dec' function to this one.
NumericalArray abs () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'abs' function to this one.
NumericalArray log2 () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'log2' function to this one.
NumericalArray neg () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'neg' function to this one.
NumericalArray reciprocal () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'reciprocal' function to this one.
NumericalArray sin () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'sin' function to this one.
NumericalArray cos () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'cos' function to this one.
NumericalArray tan () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'tan' function to this one.
NumericalArray asin () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'asin' function to this one.
NumericalArray acos () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'acos' function to this one.
NumericalArray atan () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'atan' function to this one.
NumericalArray sinh () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'sinh' function to this one.
NumericalArray cosh () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'cosh' function to this one.
NumericalArray tanh () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'tanh' function to this one.
NumericalArray sqrt () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'sqrt' function to this one.
NumericalArray log () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'log' function to this one.
NumericalArray log10 () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'log10' function to this one.
NumericalArray exp () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'exp' function to this one.
NumericalArray squared () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'squared' function to this one.
NumericalArray cubed () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'cubed' function to this one.
NumericalArray ceil () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'ceil' function to this one.
NumericalArray floor () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'floor' function to this one.
NumericalArray frac () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'frac' function to this one.
NumericalArray sign () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'sign' function to this one.
NumericalArray m2f () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'm2f' function to this one.
NumericalArray f2m () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'f2m' function to this one.
NumericalArray a2dB () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'a2dB' function to this one.
NumericalArray dB2a () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'dB2a' function to this one.
NumericalArray d2r () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'd2r' function to this one.
NumericalArray r2d () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'r2d' function to this one.
NumericalArray distort () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'distort' function to this one.
NumericalArray zap () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'zap' function to this one.
NumericalArray operator- () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary '-' operator to this one.
NumericalArray operator++ () const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary '++' operator to this one.
NumericalArray operator++ (int) const throw ()
 Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary '++' operator to this one.
int indexOf (NumericalType const &itemToSearchFor, const int startIndex=0) const throw ()
 Gets the index of a particular item.
int indexOf (const NumericalType *items, const int startIndex=0) const throw ()
 Search for a particular sub sequence withing the array.
int indexOfAny (const NumericalType *items, const int startIndex=0) const throw ()
 Search for any items in a given array.

Static Public Member Functions

static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
withSize (const int size, const bool zeroData=false) throw ()
 Construct a NumericalArray that refers to some other data.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
newClear (const int size) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) with all items set to zero.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
line (const int size, const NumericalType start, const NumericalType end) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) ramping from one value to another.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
series (const int size, const NumericalType start, const NumericalType grow) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) using a series.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
geom (const int size, const NumericalType start, const NumericalType grow) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) using a geometric series.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
rand (const int size, const NumericalType lower, const NumericalType upper) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) randomly distributed.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
rand (const int size, const NumericalType upper) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) randomly distributed.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
rand2 (const int size, const NumericalType positive) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) randomly distributed.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
exprand (const int size, const NumericalType lower, const NumericalType upper) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) with an exponential random distribution.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
sineTable (const int size, const double repeats=1.0, const NumericalType peak=TypeUtility< NumericalType >::getTypePeak()) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more sine tables.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
cosineTable (const int size, const double repeats=1.0, const NumericalType peak=NumericalType(0)) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more cosine tables.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
cosineWindow (const int size, const double repeats=1.0, const NumericalType peak=TypeUtility< NumericalType >::getTypePeak()) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more cosine windows.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
triangleWindow (const int size, const NumericalType peak=TypeUtility< NumericalType >::getTypePeak()) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more triangle windows.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
bartlettWindow (const int size, const NumericalType peak=TypeUtility< NumericalType >::getTypePeak()) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more Bartlett windows.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
hannWindow (const int size, const NumericalType peak=TypeUtility< NumericalType >::getTypePeak()) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more von Hann (Hanning) windows.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
hammingWindow (const int size, const NumericalType peak=TypeUtility< NumericalType >::getTypePeak()) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more Hamming windows.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
blackmanWindow (const int size, const double alpha=0.16, const NumericalType peak=TypeUtility< NumericalType >::getTypePeak()) throw ()
 Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more Blackman windows.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
withArray (const int size, const NumericalType *sourceArray, const bool needsNullTermination=false) throw ()
 Creates an array by copying data from another source.
static NumericalArray
< NumericalType > 
withArrayNoCopy (const int size, NumericalType *sourceArray, const bool needsNullTermination=false) throw ()
 Creates an array by using data from another source.

Detailed Description

template<class NumericalType>
class NumericalArray< NumericalType >

Stores arrays of simple numerical values.

A subclass of ObjectArray that is designed to store numerical types (float, int, and more). These respond to arithmetic operators so can perform vector arithmetic. These also form the basis of sample buffers for audio in Plonk. NumericalArray objects can be allocated and own their own memory or can be made to point to other memory locations (useful for writing sample data to/from audio drivers for example).

Template Parameters:
NumericalTypeThis should be a simple numerical type e.g., float, int or at least respond to numerical operators and functions.
See also:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class NumericalType>
template<class CopyType >
NumericalArray< NumericalType >::NumericalArray ( NumericalArray< CopyType > const &  copy) throw () [inline]

Construct a NumericalArray by copying a NumericalArray of a different type.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class CopyType >
NumericalArray< NumericalType >::NumericalArray ( ObjectArray< CopyType > const &  copy) throw () [inline]

Construct a NumericalArray by copying a ObjectArray of a different type.

This would need to be a numerical type.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray< NumericalType >::NumericalArray ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  array0,
NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  array1 
) throw () [inline]

Concatenate two arrays into one.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray< NumericalType >::NumericalArray ( NumericalArraySpec const &  spec,
const bool  needsNullTermination 
) throw () [inline]

Constructa a NumericalArray using a NumericalArraySpec with optional null termination.

A better idiom for most usages would be to use withSize() or newClear(). Null termination only really makes sense with integer types.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray< NumericalType >::NumericalArray ( const NumericalType *  nullTerminatedSourceArray) throw () [inline]

Construct a NumericalArray from a null terminated source array.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class OtherType >
NumericalArray< NumericalType >::NumericalArray ( OtherType const &  value) throw () [inline]

Construct an array with a single value.

Member Function Documentation

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::a2dB ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'a2dB' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::abs ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'abs' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::absdif ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'absdif' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::acos ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'acos' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::addop ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'addop' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::asin ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'asin' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::atan ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'atan' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::atan2 ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'atan2' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::bartlettWindow ( const int  size,
const NumericalType  peak = TypeUtility<NumericalType>::getTypePeak() 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more Bartlett windows.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::blackmanWindow ( const int  size,
const double  alpha = 0.16,
const NumericalType  peak = TypeUtility<NumericalType>::getTypePeak() 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more Blackman windows.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::ceil ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'ceil' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::clip2 ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'clip2' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::cos ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'cos' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::cosh ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'cosh' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::cosineTable ( const int  size,
const double  repeats = 1.0,
const NumericalType  peak = NumericalType(0) 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more cosine tables.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::cosineWindow ( const int  size,
const double  repeats = 1.0,
const NumericalType  peak = TypeUtility<NumericalType>::getTypePeak() 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more cosine windows.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::cubed ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'cubed' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::d2r ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'd2r' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::dB2a ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'dB2a' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::dec ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'dec' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::decayFeedback ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'decayFeedback' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::difsqr ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'difsqr' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::distort ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'distort' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::divop ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'divop' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::exp ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'exp' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::exprand ( const int  size,
const NumericalType  lower,
const NumericalType  upper 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) with an exponential random distribution.

Values will be between lower and upper bounds and exponentially distributed such that more values will appear in the lower end of the range compared to the upper part. This is good for selecting frequencies randomly.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::f2m ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'f2m' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::floor ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'floor' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::frac ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'frac' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::geom ( const int  size,
const NumericalType  start,
const NumericalType  grow 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) using a geometric series.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::hammingWindow ( const int  size,
const NumericalType  peak = TypeUtility<NumericalType>::getTypePeak() 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more Hamming windows.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::hannWindow ( const int  size,
const NumericalType  peak = TypeUtility<NumericalType>::getTypePeak() 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more von Hann (Hanning) windows.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::hypot ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'hypot' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::inc ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'inc' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
int NumericalArray< NumericalType >::indexOf ( NumericalType const &  itemToSearchFor,
const int  startIndex = 0 
) const throw () [inline]

Gets the index of a particular item.

itemToSearchForThe item to search for.
startIndexThe start index for the search (useful if iterating over the array to find several items).
The index of the item or -1 if it is not found.

Reimplemented from ObjectArray< NumericalType >.

template<class NumericalType>
int NumericalArray< NumericalType >::indexOf ( const NumericalType *  items,
const int  startIndex = 0 
) const throw () [inline]

Search for a particular sub sequence withing the array.

template<class NumericalType>
int NumericalArray< NumericalType >::indexOfAny ( const NumericalType *  items,
const int  startIndex = 0 
) const throw () [inline]

Search for any items in a given array.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::isEqualTo ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'isEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::isGreaterThan ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'isGreaterThan' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::isGreaterThanOrEqualTo ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'isGreaterThanOrEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::isLessThan ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'isLessThan' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::isLessThanOrEqualTo ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'isLessThanOrEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::isNotEqualTo ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'isNotEqualTo' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::line ( const int  size,
const NumericalType  start,
const NumericalType  end 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) ramping from one value to another.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::log ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'log' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::log10 ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'log10' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::log2 ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'log2' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::m2f ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'm2f' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::max ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'max' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::min ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'min' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::modop ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'modop' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::move ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'move' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::mulop ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'mulop' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::neg ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'neg' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::newClear ( const int  size) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) with all items set to zero.

Reimplemented in Text.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray< NumericalType >::ObjectArrayConcatOperatorsDefine ( NumericalArray< NumericalType >  ,
) const throw () [inline]

Constructa a NumericalArray using a NumericalArraySpec.

A better idiom for most usages would be to use withSize() or newClear().

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator% ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '%' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator% ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '%' operator to this and the right argument.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray& NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator%= ( RightType const &  right) throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray and assign it to this one by applying the binary '%' operator to this and the right argument.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator* ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '*' operator to this and the right argument.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator* ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '*' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray& NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator*= ( RightType const &  right) throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray and assign it to this one by applying the binary '*' operator to this and the right argument.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator+ ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '+' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator+ ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '+' operator to this and the right argument.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator++ ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary '++' operator to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator++ ( int  ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary '++' operator to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray& NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator+= ( RightType const &  right) throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray and assign it to this one by applying the binary '+' operator to this and the right argument.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator- ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '-' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator- ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '-' operator to this and the right argument.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator- ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary '-' operator to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray& NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator-= ( RightType const &  right) throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray and assign it to this one by applying the binary '-' operator to this and the right argument.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator/ ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '/' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator/ ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '/' operator to this and the right argument.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray& NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator/= ( RightType const &  right) throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray and assign it to this one by applying the binary '/' operator to this and the right argument.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator< ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '<' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator< ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '<' operator to this and the right argument.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator<= ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '<=' operator to this and the right argument.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator<= ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '<=' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray& NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator= ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  other) throw () [inline]

Assignment operator.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator> ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '>' operator to this and the right argument.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator> ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '>' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator>= ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '>=' operator to this and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
template<class RightType >
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::operator>= ( RightType const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary '>=' operator to this and the right argument.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray< NumericalType >::PLONKSMARTPOINTERCONTAINER_DEEPCOPY ( NumericalArray< NumericalType >  ,
) const throw () [inline]

Get a weakly linked copy of this object.

This will return a blank/empty/null object of this type if the original has already been deleted.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::pow ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'pow' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::r2d ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'r2d' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::rand ( const int  size,
const NumericalType  upper 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) randomly distributed.

Values will be between zero and the upper bound and uniformly distributed.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::rand ( const int  size,
const NumericalType  lower,
const NumericalType  upper 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) randomly distributed.

Values will be between lower and upper bounds and uniformly distributed.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::rand2 ( const int  size,
const NumericalType  positive 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) randomly distributed.

Values will be either side of zero upto a magnitude given by upper and uniformly distributed.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::reciprocal ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'reciprocal' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::round ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'round' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::series ( const int  size,
const NumericalType  start,
const NumericalType  grow 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) using a series.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::sign ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'sign' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::sin ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'sin' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::sineTable ( const int  size,
const double  repeats = 1.0,
const NumericalType  peak = TypeUtility<NumericalType>::getTypePeak() 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more sine tables.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::sinh ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'sinh' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::sqrdif ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'sqrdif' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::sqrsum ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'sqrsum' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::sqrt ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'sqrt' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::squared ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'squared' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::subop ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'subop' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::sumsqr ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'sumsqr' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::tan ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'tan' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::tanh ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'tanh' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::thresh ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'thresh' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::triangleWindow ( const int  size,
const NumericalType  peak = TypeUtility<NumericalType>::getTypePeak() 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length) containing one or more triangle windows.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::trunc ( NumericalArray< NumericalType > const &  right) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the binary 'trunc' function to this one and the right argument.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::withArray ( const int  size,
const NumericalType *  sourceArray,
const bool  needsNullTermination = false 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates an array by copying data from another source.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::withArrayNoCopy ( const int  size,
NumericalType *  sourceArray,
const bool  needsNullTermination = false 
) throw () [inline, static]

Creates an array by using data from another source.

It is very important to note that the data is not copies so must continue to exist for the lifetime of this object.

template<class NumericalType>
static NumericalArray<NumericalType> NumericalArray< NumericalType >::withSize ( const int  size,
const bool  zeroData = false 
) throw () [inline, static]

Construct a NumericalArray that refers to some other data.

It is very important to note that the data is not copies so must continue to exist for the lifetime of this object.

sizeThe size of the source data to use.
dataToUseA pointer to the data.
needsNullTerminationWhether the data is null terminated ot not.
See also:
withArrayNoCopy Creates a NumericalArray with a given size (length).

Reimplemented in Text.

template<class NumericalType>
NumericalArray NumericalArray< NumericalType >::zap ( ) const throw () [inline]

Create a new NumericalArray by applying the unary 'zap' function to this one.

Reimplemented in UnitBase< SampleType >, and UnitBase< float >.

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