pl-nk v0.4.5
Plonk|Plink|Plank are a set of cross-platform C/C++ frameworks for audio software development
Filter unit classes.
Unit categories

A list of all filtering unit classes and their brief descriptions. More...


class  FilterUnit< FormType >
 A generic FIR/IIR filter. More...
class  FilterCoeffs1ParamUnit< ShapeType >
 Filter coefficients generator for an IIR filter using one control parameter. More...
class  FilterCoeffs2ParamUnit< ShapeType >
 Filter coefficients generator for an IIR filter using two control parameters. More...
class  FilterCoeffs3ParamUnit< ShapeType >
 Filter coefficients generator for an IIR filter using three control parameters. More...
class  LPFP1Unit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 One-pole low-pass filter. More...
class  LagUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 Exponential lag filter. More...
class  HPFP1Unit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 One-pole high-pass filter. More...
class  DecayUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 Exponential decay filter. More...
class  DCUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 DC removal filter. More...
class  RLPFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 Resonant low-pass filter. More...
class  RHPFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 Resonant high-pass filter. More...
class  LowShelfUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 Low-shelving (bass) filter. More...
class  HighShelfUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 High-shelving (treble) filter. More...
class  NotchUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 Notch filter (i.e, parametric mid-EQ). More...
class  BPFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 Bandpass filter. More...
class  BRFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 Bandreject (band-elimination) filter. More...
class  LPFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 Butterworth 2nd-order low-pass filter. More...
class  HPFUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 Butterworth 2nd-order high-pass filter. More...

Detailed Description

A list of all filtering unit classes and their brief descriptions.

This category contains a list of all the unit classes which filter/EQ a signal. This also includes other kinds of signal shaping (e.g., lag and decay).

 All Classes Functions Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties