pl-nk v0.4.5
Plonk|Plink|Plank are a set of cross-platform C/C++ frameworks for audio software development
Plank classes

Plank classes... More...


 Plank Atomic operation classes

Crossplatform atomic operation classes.

 Plank GUID class
 Plank DynamicArray class

A dynamic array.

 Plank LockFreeDynamicArray class

A lock-free dynamic array.

 Plank LockFreeLinkedListElement class

A lock-free linked list element.

 Plank LockFreeQueue class

A lock-free queue (FIFO).

 Plank LockFreeStack class

A lock-free stack (LIFO).

 Plank SharedPtr class

A shared pointer.

 Plank SimpleLinkedList class

A simple linked list.

 Plank SimpleLinkedListElement class

A simple linked list.

 Plank SimpleMap class

A simple map.

 Plank SimpleStack class

A simple stack.

 Plank ThreadLocalStorage class

Manages data that should be thread-local.

 Plank Lock class

A crossplatform synchronisation utiltiy.

 Plank SpinLock class

A crossplatform synchronisation utiltiy.

 Plank Thread class

A crossplatform thread implementation.

 Plank ThreadSpinLock class

A crossplatform synchronisation utiltiy.

 Plank FFTF class

A simple, cross-platform FFT processor for audio signals.

 Plank AudioFileCuePoint class

An audio file cue point reference.

 Plank AudioFileMetaData class

An audio file meta data container.

 Plank AudioFileReader class

An audio file reader.

 Plank AudioFileRegion class

An audio file region reference.

 Plank AudioFileWriter class

An audio file writer.

 Plank File class

A crossplatform file reading/writing utility.

 Plank IffFileReader class

A generic IFF/RIFF file reader helper.

 Plank IffFileWriter class

A generic IFF/RIFF file writer helper.

 Plank MultiFile class

Holds references to multiple files.

 Plank NeuralNetwork class

A neural layer.

 Plank NeuralNode class

A neural node.

 Plank RNG class

A simple, fast, cross-platform random number generator.

Detailed Description

Plank classes...

 All Classes Functions Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties