pl-nk v0.4.5
Plonk|Plink|Plank are a set of cross-platform C/C++ frameworks for audio software development
Plank AudioFileMetaData class
Plank classes

An audio file meta data container. More...


PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_CreateSharedPtr (PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef *pp)
 Create a Plank AudioFileMetaData object and return an oqaque reference to it.
PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_AddCuePoint (PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef p, PlankAudioFileCuePointRef cuePoint)
 Adds a cue point.
PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_FindCuePointWithID (PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef p, const PlankUI cueID, PlankAudioFileCuePointRef *cuePoint, PlankL *index)
 Remove a cue point.
PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_RemoveCuePointWithID (PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef p, const PlankUI cueID, PlankAudioFileCuePointRef *cuePoint, PlankB *success)
 Remove a cue point.
PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_GetNextCueID (PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef p, PlankUI *cueID)
 Searches the metadata for the highest numbered cue ID and returns this with 1 added.
PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_AddRegion (PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef p, PlankAudioFileRegionRef region)
 Adds a region.
PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_ConvertCuePointsToRegions (PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef p, const double totalDuration, const PlankB removeCuePoints)
 Coverts cue points to regions.
PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_AddLoopPoint (PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef p, PlankAudioFileRegionRef region)
 Adds a loop.
PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_AddFormatSpecificBlock (PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef p, PlankDynamicArrayRef block)
 Adds a format specific block of data.

Detailed Description

An audio file meta data container.

Function Documentation

PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_AddCuePoint ( PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef  p,
PlankAudioFileCuePointRef  cuePoint 

Adds a cue point.

Cue points are reference counted. The meta data takes ownership - do not decrement the reference count after this returns.

PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_AddFormatSpecificBlock ( PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef  p,
PlankDynamicArrayRef  block 

Adds a format specific block of data.

The AudioFileMetaData object takes ownership of the block.

PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_AddLoopPoint ( PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef  p,
PlankAudioFileRegionRef  region 

Adds a loop.

Loops are reference counted. The meta data takes ownership - do not decrement the reference count after this returns.

PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_AddRegion ( PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef  p,
PlankAudioFileRegionRef  region 

Adds a region.

Regions are reference counted. The meta data takes ownership - do not decrement the reference count after this returns.

PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_ConvertCuePointsToRegions ( PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef  p,
const double  totalDuration,
const PlankB  removeCuePoints 

Coverts cue points to regions.

This creates regions starting at frame zero and creating a regions between each cue point and from the last cue point to the end of the file. This requires the user to pass in the number of frames in the audio file.

pThe meta data object.
totalDurationThe duration of the source audio file.
removeCuePointsA boolean flag to indicate whether these cue points should be removed fromt he metadata.
The result code for the operation.
PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_CreateSharedPtr ( PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef *  pp)

Create a Plank AudioFileMetaData object and return an oqaque reference to it.

A Plank AudioFileMetaData object as an opaque reference or PLANK_NULL.
PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_FindCuePointWithID ( PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef  p,
const PlankUI  cueID,
PlankAudioFileCuePointRef *  cuePoint,
PlankL *  index 

Remove a cue point.

Cue points are reference counted. This returns a cue point into cuePoint but does not change the reference count.

PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_GetNextCueID ( PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef  p,
PlankUI *  cueID 

Searches the metadata for the highest numbered cue ID and returns this with 1 added.

PlankResult pl_AudioFileMetaData_RemoveCuePointWithID ( PlankAudioFileMetaDataRef  p,
const PlankUI  cueID,
PlankAudioFileCuePointRef *  cuePoint,
PlankB *  success 

Remove a cue point.

Cue points are reference counted. If the value returned in cuePoint is not null, the caller has taken ownship and must decrement the reference count once finished with it.

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