pl-nk v0.4.5
Plonk|Plink|Plank are a set of cross-platform C/C++ frameworks for audio software development
Classes | Typedefs
Converter unit classes.
Unit categories

A list of all converter unit classes and their brief descriptions. More...


class  SchmidtUnit< SampleType >
 Schmidt trigger. More...
class  TriggerUnit< SampleType >
 Trigger detects signal transitions from zero or less to greater than zero. More...
class  OverlapMakeUnit< SampleType >
 Create and overlapped processing stream. More...
class  OverlapMixUnit< SampleType >
 Mix down an overlapped processing stream to a continuous one. More...
class  ReblockUnit< SampleType >
 Re-buffer to a different block size. More...
class  ResampleUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 Resampler. More...
class  InputTaskUnit< SampleType, InterpTypeCode >
 Defer a unit's processing to a separate task, thread, process or core. More...
class  TypeUnitBase< OutputSampleType, InputSampleType >
 Convert from one sample type to another. More...
class  FFTChannelInternal< SampleType >
 FFT channel. More...
class  FFTUnit< SampleType >
 FFT Unit. More...
class  IFFTChannelInternal< SampleType >
 IFFT channel. More...
class  IFFTUnit< SampleType >
 IFFT Unit. More...
class  ZMulUnit< SampleType >
 Complex multiplication Unit. More...


typedef ResampleUnit
Interp::Linear > 

Detailed Description

A list of all converter unit classes and their brief descriptions.

E.g., for converting sample rates, block sizes and sample types.

Typedef Documentation

typedef ResampleUnit<PLONK_TYPE_DEFAULT,Interp::Linear> ResampleLinear


Resample a unit to a different sample rate and/or block size.

Factory functions:
  • ar (input, rate=1, preferredBlockSize=default, preferredSampleRate=default)
  • kr (input, rate=1)
  • input: (unit, multi) the unit to resample
  • rate: (unit, multi) a modulatable rate multiplier (e.g., for varispeed playback)
  • preferredBlockSize: the preferred output block size
  • preferredSampleRate: the preferred output sample rate Create an audio rate sample rate converter.
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