pl-nk v0.4.5
Plonk|Plink|Plank are a set of cross-platform C/C++ frameworks for audio software development
UnitBase< SampleType > Member List
This is the complete list of members for UnitBase< SampleType >, including all inherited members.
a2dB() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
abs() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
absdif(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::absdif(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
acos() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
add(ChannelBase< SampleType >const &item)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
add(ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > const &other)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
addop(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::addop(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
applyMulAdd(UnitBase const &mainUnit, UnitBase const &mul, UnitBase const &add)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline, static]
ar(const Interp::TypeCode interpType, BlockSize const &preferredBlockSize=BlockSize::getDefault(), SampleRate const &preferredSampleRate=SampleRate::getDefault()) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
ar() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
areAllEqual() constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
asin() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
at(const int index)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
at(const int index) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
at(ObjectArray< int > const &indices) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
atan() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
atan2(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::atan2(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
atUnchecked(ObjectArray< int > const &indices) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
atUnchecked(const int index)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
atUnchecked(const int index) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
bartlettWindow(const int size, const ChannelBase< SampleType >peak=TypeUtility< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::getTypePeak())NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
binary(UnitBase const &rightOperand) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
blackmanWindow(const int size, const double alpha=0.16, const ChannelBase< SampleType >peak=TypeUtility< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::getTypePeak())NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
ceil() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
choose()ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
choose() constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
clear()ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
clip2(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::clip2(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
collect(ObjectArray< CollectionType > const &collection)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::contains(ChannelBase< SampleType >const &itemToSearchFor) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::contains(ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > const &itemsToSearchFor) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
copy() constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
cos() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
cosh() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
cosineTable(const int size, const double repeats=1.0, const ChannelBase< SampleType >peak=ChannelBase< SampleType >(0))NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
cosineWindow(const int size, const double repeats=1.0, const ChannelBase< SampleType >peak=TypeUtility< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::getTypePeak())NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
createFromInputs(Inputs const &inputs, typename ChannelInternalClassType::Data const &data, BlockSize const &preferredBlockSize, SampleRate const &preferredSampleRate)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline, static]
cubed() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
d2r() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
dB2a() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
dec() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
decayFeedback(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::decayFeedback(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
deinterleave(const int numGroups) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
difsqr(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::difsqr(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
distort() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
divop(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::divop(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
emptyWithAllocatedSize(const int size)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
exp() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
explin(UnitBase const &inLow, UnitBase const &inHigh, UnitBase const &outLow, UnitBase const &outHigh) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
exprand(const int size, const ChannelBase< SampleType >lower, const ChannelBase< SampleType >upper)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
f2m() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
first()ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
first() constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
floor() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
frac() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
from(const int startIndex) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
fromWeak(Weak const &weak)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline, static]
geom(const int size, const ChannelBase< SampleType >start, const ChannelBase< SampleType >grow)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
getArray()ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
getArray() constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
getBlockSize(const int index) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
getBlockSizes() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
getChannel(const int index)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
getChannel(const int index) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
getChannelObject(const int index)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
getChannelObject(const int index) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
getMaxBlockSize() const UnitBase< SampleType >
getMaxSampleRate() const UnitBase< SampleType >
getMinBlockSize() const UnitBase< SampleType >
getMinSampleRate() const UnitBase< SampleType >
getNumChannels() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
getOutputBuffer(const int index) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
getOutputSamples(const int index) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
getOutputSamples(const int index)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
getSampleRate(const int index) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
getSampleRates() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
getValue(const int index) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
group(const int groupSize) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
hammingWindow(const int size, const ChannelBase< SampleType >peak=TypeUtility< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::getTypePeak())NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
hannWindow(const int size, const ChannelBase< SampleType >peak=TypeUtility< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::getTypePeak())NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
hypot(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::hypot(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
inc() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
indexOf(ChannelBase< SampleType >const &itemToSearchFor, const int startIndex=0) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
indexOf(const ChannelBase< SampleType > *items, const int startIndex=0) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::indexOf(ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > const &itemsToSearchFor, const int startIndex=0) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
indexOfAny(const ChannelBase< SampleType > *items, const int startIndex=0) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::indexOfAny(ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > const &itemsToSearchFor, const int startIndex=0) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
isConstant() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
isEqualTo(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::isEqualTo(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
isGreaterThan(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::isGreaterThan(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
isLessThan(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::isLessThan(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
isLessThanOrEqualTo(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::isLessThanOrEqualTo(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
isNotConstant() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
isNotEqualTo(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::isNotEqualTo(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
isNotNull() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
isNull() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
isNullTerminated() constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
kr(const Interp::TypeCode interpType) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
kr() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
last()ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
last() constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
length() constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
line(const int size, const ChannelBase< SampleType >start, const ChannelBase< SampleType >end)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
linexp(UnitBase const &inLow, UnitBase const &inHigh, UnitBase const &outLow, UnitBase const &outHigh) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
linexp(UnitBase const &outLow, UnitBase const &outHigh) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
linlin(UnitBase const &inLow, UnitBase const &inHigh, UnitBase const &outLow, UnitBase const &outHigh) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
linlin(UnitBase const &outLow, UnitBase const &outHigh) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
linsin(UnitBase const &inLow, UnitBase const &inHigh, UnitBase const &outLow, UnitBase const &outHigh) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
linsin(UnitBase const &outLow, UnitBase const &outHigh) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
linwelch(UnitBase const &inLow, UnitBase const &inHigh, UnitBase const &outLow, UnitBase const &outHigh) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
linwelch(UnitBase const &outLow, UnitBase const &outHigh) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
log() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
log10() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
log2() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
m2f() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
max(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::max(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
memorySize() constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
min(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::min(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
mix() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
mixBarrier() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
modop(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::modop(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
move() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
mulop(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::mulop(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
needsToProcess(ProcessInfo const &info, const int channel) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
neg() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
newClear(const int size)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
NumericalArray(NumericalArray< CopyType > const &copy)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
NumericalArray(ObjectArray< CopyType > const &copy)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
NumericalArray(NumericalArray const &array0, NumericalArray const &array1)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
NumericalArray(NumericalArraySpec const &spec, const bool needsNullTermination)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
NumericalArray(const ChannelBase< SampleType > *nullTerminatedSourceArray)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
NumericalArray(OtherType const &value)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
ObjectArray()ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
ObjectArray(const int size, const bool needsNullTermination)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
ObjectArray(const int size, ChannelBase< SampleType > *dataToUse, const bool needsNullTermination=false, const bool shouldTakeOwnership=false)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
ObjectArray(ObjectArray const &copy)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
ObjectArray(ObjectArray< CopyType > const &copy)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
ObjectArray(ChannelBase< SampleType >const &single)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
ObjectArray(ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > const &array0, ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > const &array1)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
ObjectArrayConcatOperatorsDefine(NumericalArray, ChannelBase< SampleType >) NumericalArray(NumericalArraySpec const &spec)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator ChannelBase< SampleType > *()ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator ChannelType &()UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator const ChannelBase< SampleType > *() constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator const ChannelType &() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator!=(ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > const &other) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator!=(const ChannelBase< SampleType > *otherArray) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator%(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator%(RightType const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::operator%(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator%=(RightType const &right)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator*(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator*(RightType const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::operator*(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator*=(RightType const &right)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator+(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator+(RightType const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::operator+(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator++() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator++(int) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator+=(RightType const &right)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator,(UnitType const &other) const UnitBase< SampleType >
operator-(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator-(RightType const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator-() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::operator-(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator-=(RightType const &right)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator/(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator/(RightType const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::operator/(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator/=(RightType const &right)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator<(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator<(RightType const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::operator<(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator<=(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator<=(RightType const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::operator<=(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator=(UnitBase const &other)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator=(ChannelType const &other)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator=(UnitType const &other)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator=(ObjectArray< ChannelType > const &other)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::operator=(NumericalArray const &other)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::operator=(ObjectArray const &other)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator==(ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > const &other) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator==(const ChannelBase< SampleType > *otherArray) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator>(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator>(RightType const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::operator>(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator>=(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator>=(RightType const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::operator>=(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
operator[](const int index)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
operator[](const int index) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
overlapMake(DoubleVariable const &overlap=Math< DoubleVariable >::get0_5(), const bool zeroPad=false) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
overlapMix(DoubleVariable const &overlap=Math< DoubleVariable >::get0_5()) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
overlapZeroPad(DoubleVariable const &overlap=Math< DoubleVariable >::get0_5()) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
PLONKSMARTPOINTERCONTAINER_DEEPCOPY(NumericalArray, Internal) static NumericalArray fromWeak(Weak const &weak)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
pow(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::pow(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
process(ProcessInfo &info, const int channel)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
process(ProcessInfo &info)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
proxiesFromInputs(Inputs const &inputs, typename ProxyOwnerChannelInternalClassType::Data const &data, BlockSize const &preferredBlockSize, SampleRate const &preferredSampleRate)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline, static]
put(const int index, UnitBase const &channel)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::put(const int index, ChannelBase< SampleType >const &item)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
r2d() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
rand(const int size, const ChannelBase< SampleType >lower, const ChannelBase< SampleType >upper)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
rand(const int size, const ChannelBase< SampleType >upper)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
rand2(const int size, const ChannelBase< SampleType >positive)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
range(const int startIndex) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
range(const int startIndex, const int endIndex) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
reciprocal() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
referTo(const int size, ChannelBase< SampleType > *dataToUse, const bool needsNullTermination=false)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
remove(const int index)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
removeItem(const ChannelBase< SampleType >item)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
removeItems(ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > const &items)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::replace(ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > const &find, ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > const &substitute) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
round(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::round(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
series(const int size, const ChannelBase< SampleType >start, const ChannelBase< SampleType >grow)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
setBlockSize(BlockSize const &newBlockSize)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
setLabel(Text const &unitId)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
setNullTerminated(const bool state)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
setOutputBuffer(const int index, Buffer const &externalBuffer)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
setOutputBuffer(BufferArrayType const &externalBuffer)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
setSampleRate(SampleRate const &newSampleRate)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
setSize(const int newSize, const bool keepContents)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
shouldBeDeletedNow(ProcessInfo const &info) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
sign() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
sin() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
sineTable(const int size, const double repeats=1.0, const ChannelBase< SampleType >peak=TypeUtility< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::getTypePeak())NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
sinh() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
size() constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
sizeAllocated() constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::split(ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > delimiters) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::splitSequence(ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > delimitingSequence) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
sqrdif(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::sqrdif(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
sqrsum(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::sqrsum(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
sqrt() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
squared() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
subop(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::subop(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
sumsqr(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::sumsqr(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
tan() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
tanh() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
thresh(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::thresh(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
to(const int endIndex) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
triangleWindow(const int size, const ChannelBase< SampleType >peak=TypeUtility< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::getTypePeak())NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
trunc(UnitBase const &right) const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::trunc(NumericalArray const &right) constNumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
unary() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
UnitBase()UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
UnitBase(ChannelType const &channel)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
UnitBase(ValueType const &valueInit)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
UnitBase(NumericalArray< ValueType > const &values)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
UnitBase(UnitBase const &copy)UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
wchoose(ObjectArray< WeightType > const &weights)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
wchoose(ObjectArray< WeightType > const &weights) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
withArray(const int size, const ChannelBase< SampleType > *sourceArray, const bool needsNullTermination=false)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
withArrayNoCopy(const int size, ChannelBase< SampleType > *sourceArray, const bool needsNullTermination=false)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
withSize(const int size, const bool zeroData=false)NumericalArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > >::withSize(const int size)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline, static]
wrapAt(const int index)ObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
wrapAt(const int index) constObjectArray< ChannelBase< SampleType > > [inline]
zap() const UnitBase< SampleType > [inline]
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